Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I find this article to be an atrocity to both science and humanity. This man does not deserve to call himself a scientist because he provides absolutely no proof for any of the assertions he makes. His explanations are wild theories that sound like those of a middle school student. His false notion about personality being undermined by the mercury in vaccines and that causing homosexuality makes absolutely no sense.
            Further, there is no such thing as ‘gay DNA’ whereby gay parents produce gay offspring. Straight parents do not always produce straight offspring, so there obviously isn’t ‘straight DNA’ either. This theory has been disproven many years ago when not all gay parents produced gay children, so this man is clearly very behind in the times.
            The man also states that in spite of what the World Health Organization has said, homosexuality is a disease “because it just is.” Research conducted by many people smarter than this man has been done that has led the WHO to not characterize homosexuality as a disease, but because this man objects (and for no apparent reason).
            It’s so obvious that vaccines do not cause homosexuality and even more obvious that there is absolutely nothing scientific about anything said by this man. This is just sickening.

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